Top Five Essential Oils: PanAway

Time for my Day three in my top five essential oils post. If you missed it Lavender was Day One and Peppermint was Day two!
Now onto PanAway! This is probably our most used essential oil! Between Scott standing on his feet all day, me walking up and down stairs at work and us both participating (and I use that work very lightly for myself) in Crossfit- we use PanAway ALL THE TIME! I splurged and bought us a 15 ml bottle this month! (Any Parks and Rec fans reading this? This was a Treat Yo Self moment!)

I think part of my love for PanAway is the smell. When I was little , I use to stay with my Granny on the weekends. And the smell of PanAqay reminds me of the smell of Bengay that my Granny would rub on her legs each night before going to bed. Every time I open the bottle it takes me back to those memories!

PanAway has a stimulating aroma and is ideal to apply topically after exercise, and supports the appearance of healthy skin coloration.(1) This is one of Young Livings best selling blends formulated by Young Living founder D. Gary Young.

Ways to Use PanAway
+ Rub PanAway essential oil blend across your lower back if you feel discomfort from sitting in front of a computer.
+ Rub PanAway essential oil blend on muscles to help alleviate stressed muscles or other physical discomforts.
+ Rub PanyAway essential oil blend on your temples to ease minor head tensions.

Citing:Young Living Essential Oil: PanAway

{For more information on Young Living Essential Oils and how you can buy any of the oils listed click here}

{Disclaimer: Any suggestions made on this blog are very specific to Young Living essential oils and should not be used with oils from another source. Statements made on this website about Young Living Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from disease or injury should consult with a physician. If you are currently on medication, please DO NOT STOP. For full disclaimer please click HERE}

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