DIY Refresh Wipes

IMG_7167For the past couple of weeks, mine and Scott’s evenings have been packed. So we decided we would go to the noon class at crossfit. This way we would be able to get our workout in and do what we needed after work. Here is my only problem with that… I sweat! And I didn’t really want to spend the rest of my day stinky!

Essential Oils to the rescue!

I knew I had a bottle of Cottonelle cleaning cloths around that were no telling how old! So I dumped them out and decided to make my own! This is such an quick and easy DIY version using essential oils. The result is a clean smelling cleaning cloth that leaves you refreshed.

What you will need
* Paper Towels
* Bowl
* Essential Oils of your choice { I used Purification to help eliminate odors and because it helps to moisturize the skin and Lavender because it is a great compliment to beauty products}
* A left over Contonelle carrying case {A ziplock bag may work as well if you don’t have a left over Contonelle case, but I haven’t tried that}

Take 20 paper towels and cut then in half making 40
Place in bowl and fill with water just enough to cover paper towels
Add Essential oils and stir water around { I used 10 drops Purification and 10 drops Lavender
Let sit for 30 minutes
Take paper towels out of the bowl and ring out enough water so they are dripping but not enough to dry them out
Store in your left over Contonelle carrying case.

{ Save any remaining water to use for another batch, to put in a spray bottle or use in the diffuser}

– I made these a week and a half a ago and they are still moist and smell of essential oils!

Cottonele Wipes $2.28
DIY Wipes: $1.42 {I have enough water left over for about 2 more batches, So I could really divide that by 3 and it would come out to about $.50 per batch}
Cost breakdown
* Bounty Papertowels: $16 for 12 rolls, $1.33 per roll, $.0075 per sheet
* Purification: $18.75 for 15 ml bottle containing 300 drops, $.06 per drop, $.63 for 10 drops
* Lavender: $23.50 for 15 ml bottle containing 300 drops, $.08 per drop, $.78 for 10 drops

{For more information on Young Living Essential Oils and how you can buy any of the oils listed click here}

{Disclaimer: Any suggestions made on this blog are very specific to Young Living essential oils and should not be used with oils from another source. Statements made on this website about Young Living Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from disease or injury should consult with a physician. If you are currently on medication, please DO NOT STOP. For full disclaimer please click HERE}

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